Sunday, December 8, 2013

Climate Change

                What can you notice about our weather condition nowadays? It is changing, isn’t it? Sometimes cold, sometimes hot, sometimes cloudy and sometimes stormy. This problem or condition is simply called “CLIMATE CHANGE”.
            The weather we are facing today changes the people. Their moral, attitude and behaviour. Climate change caused by cycles of Earth. But even though climate changed, humans are still a major part of it. Greenhouse gases absorb and emit heat in the atmosphere, keeping Earth warm enough to support life. The human activities such as burning plastics, burning fossil fuels, are adding large amount of destroying the greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

            So, as a result, in my opinion, we are the one making climate change. Because of some of our activities that destroying our Earth. And to overcome these condition or problem, better stop burning plastics and start planting trees.

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